Barbican Towers
Barbican Towers

Cromwell, Shakespeare and Lauderdale Towers.

Shakespeare Tower. Barbican
Shakespeare Tower. Barbican
Kino International.
Kino International.


Pen and Ink.

Robin Hood Gardens.
Robin Hood Gardens.
Olivetti Administrative and Training Centre. Frankfurt.
Olivetti Administrative and Training Centre. Frankfurt.
Chemnitz City Hall. Germany
Chemnitz City Hall. Germany
Great Arthur House. Golden Lane Estate.
Great Arthur House. Golden Lane Estate.
Nakagin Capsule Tower. Tokyo
Nakagin Capsule Tower. Tokyo
Habitat 67
Habitat 67
St Peter's Seminary.jpg
Birmingham Rep Theatre
Birmingham Rep Theatre
Birmingham Central Library
Birmingham Central Library

Birmingham’s much missed Brutalist landmark.

Rise of Modernism
Rise of Modernism

High Rise Modernist Architecture

Space House
Space House
Tricorn Centre. Portsmouth
Tricorn Centre. Portsmouth

Pen and Ink elevation of the equally loved and maligned Brutalist Icon.

Centre Point
Centre Point
Former NLA Tower (One Croydon)
Former NLA Tower (One Croydon)
Arts Tower. Sheffield
Arts Tower. Sheffield
Engineering Building. Leicester University
Engineering Building. Leicester University
BT Tower. London
BT Tower. London
Dunelm House. Durham. Elevations
Dunelm House. Durham. Elevations
CIS Tower. Manchester
CIS Tower. Manchester
Alpha Tower. Birmingham
Alpha Tower. Birmingham

Pen and ink drawing

Cromwell Tower. Barbican Estate. London
Cromwell Tower. Barbican Estate. London

Pen & Ink illustration of Cromwell Tower, one of the Barbican's 3 iconic tower blocks.

 National Theatre. London  West Elevation

National Theatre. London

West Elevation

 National Theatre. London  North Elevation

National Theatre. London

North Elevation

Keeling House. London
Keeling House. London
City Tower. Manchester
City Tower. Manchester
Norfolk House. Birmingham
Norfolk House. Birmingham
Bank of Guatemala
Bank of Guatemala
Tricorn Centre. Portsmouth
Tricorn Centre. Portsmouth
Trellick Tower. London
Trellick Tower. London
CCSS Building. Costa Rica
CCSS Building. Costa Rica
Wotruba Church. Vienna
Wotruba Church. Vienna
Barbican Estate. London
Barbican Estate. London
Barbican Towers
Shakespeare Tower. Barbican
Kino International.
Robin Hood Gardens.
Olivetti Administrative and Training Centre. Frankfurt.
Chemnitz City Hall. Germany
Great Arthur House. Golden Lane Estate.
Nakagin Capsule Tower. Tokyo
Habitat 67
St Peter's Seminary.jpg
Birmingham Rep Theatre
Birmingham Central Library
Rise of Modernism
Space House
Tricorn Centre. Portsmouth
Centre Point
Former NLA Tower (One Croydon)
Arts Tower. Sheffield
Engineering Building. Leicester University
BT Tower. London
Dunelm House. Durham. Elevations
CIS Tower. Manchester
Alpha Tower. Birmingham
Cromwell Tower. Barbican Estate. London
 National Theatre. London  West Elevation
 National Theatre. London  North Elevation
Keeling House. London
City Tower. Manchester
Norfolk House. Birmingham
Bank of Guatemala
Tricorn Centre. Portsmouth
Trellick Tower. London
CCSS Building. Costa Rica
Wotruba Church. Vienna
Barbican Estate. London
Barbican Towers

Cromwell, Shakespeare and Lauderdale Towers.

Shakespeare Tower. Barbican
Kino International.


Pen and Ink.

Robin Hood Gardens.
Olivetti Administrative and Training Centre. Frankfurt.
Chemnitz City Hall. Germany
Great Arthur House. Golden Lane Estate.
Nakagin Capsule Tower. Tokyo
Habitat 67
Birmingham Rep Theatre
Birmingham Central Library

Birmingham’s much missed Brutalist landmark.

Rise of Modernism

High Rise Modernist Architecture

Space House
Tricorn Centre. Portsmouth

Pen and Ink elevation of the equally loved and maligned Brutalist Icon.

Centre Point
Former NLA Tower (One Croydon)
Arts Tower. Sheffield
Engineering Building. Leicester University
BT Tower. London
Dunelm House. Durham. Elevations
CIS Tower. Manchester
Alpha Tower. Birmingham

Pen and ink drawing

Cromwell Tower. Barbican Estate. London

Pen & Ink illustration of Cromwell Tower, one of the Barbican's 3 iconic tower blocks.

National Theatre. London

West Elevation

National Theatre. London

North Elevation

Keeling House. London
City Tower. Manchester
Norfolk House. Birmingham
Bank of Guatemala
Tricorn Centre. Portsmouth
Trellick Tower. London
CCSS Building. Costa Rica
Wotruba Church. Vienna
Barbican Estate. London
show thumbnails